Beválasztották a harminc legnagyobb európai reménységnek számító fiatal kutató közé a gyöngyösi származású dr. Zsarnóczky Martint. Kutatási területe az időskori életminőség javítása.

A Fiatal ­Vállalkozók Országos Szövetségének (FIVOSZ) megyei koordinátorát tavaly év végén az időskori életminőséggel kapcsolatos kutatásáért a harminc legnagyobb európai reménységnek számító fiatal kutató közé választotta be a New York-i Magyar Tudományos Társaság. Dr. Zsarnóczky Martin több hazai és külföldi egyetemen oktat és számos sikeres céget irányít. A fiatal vállalkozó sokrétű munkájában számos terv szerepel, egyebek mellett az is, hogy a nemzetközi turisztikai piacon is ismertté tegye az Észak-Mátrát.

a cikk itt folytatódik tovább

The original article in English

Researcher from Gyöngyös in the European Top 30!

Dr. Martin Zsarnóczky, originally from Gyöngyös, has been selected as one of the thirty most promising young researchers in Europe. His field of interest is the improvement of old age life quality.

The coordinator of the National Association of Hungarian Young Entrepreneurs (NAHYE) has been selected to be one of the thirty most promising young researchers by the European Commission and has received honors for his career from both the Hungarian Scientific Society in New York and the Hungarian Regional Scientific Society. Dr. Martin Zsarnóczky is a lecturer at national and international universities and is running several businesses as well. The young businessman has various plans concerning his work, one of which is to popularize the North-Mátra region in the field of international tourism.

  • You have spent your childhood in Gyöngyös, what have these years given you with regards to your later career plans?

Childhood is a very defining element of a person’s life. My family has had a history of traders and entrepreneurs throughout the generations, mostly in connection with the fields of hospitality and construction. It can be said that in my family I have been somewhat of an outsider with my constant dreams of studying and travelling. Thinking back, I can say that my studies in Gyöngyös, Eger then Budapest and of course my experiences in Germany have all contributed to a systematic career development. After this, I have soon received my first American job offer as well.

  • As the county coordinator and mentor of the NAHYE what have your most important goals been?

I have gained ten years’ worth of genuinely great work experience by being a member and leader of the NAHYE. I have started my first business in Gyöngyös at the age of 19 as a consequence of individual thirst for knowledge combined with family expectations. I am running several businesses at the moment both in country and abroad. During my jobs in America I have experienced the success resulting from my independent business ideas, but these also need to be materialized. When I am giving a business lecture to young people I always emphasize that it is easy to be talking about something, however true value lies in doing it. I believe nowadays the business opportunities in Hungary are remarkably good, and as part of the European Union the country is competing not only with other member states, but with other continents as well, in various markets.

  • Where are you currently employed and what projects are you taking part in?

Locally I am commuting between Budapest, Gyöngyös and Parádsasvár. Budapest has been hosting my academic career for over a decade now, as a part of which I am a lecturing professor or guest professor at several universities in Hungary and abroad. I succeeded in establishing a research center in Parádsasvár last year, and within its framework we are close to wrapping up a study conducted in Nagykanizsa involving about 1000 people regarding old age life quality. We are preparing for further expansion and development in Gyöngyös besides the well-known Kola House and home of artists, KoPaTa. Luckily my projects abroad are working out great. The first project with Boston University students has been a success and a second one is about to begin in collaboration with Kodolány University.

  • What kind of research was your gateway to getting into the top 30 most promising European young researchers?

The Week of European Cities and Regions has been organized for the 6th time last year by the European Commission where the top 30 young European researchers have had the chance to present the results of their studies in cohesion, competitiveness or other interesting topics on the highest levels of professional forums. The base of my study regarding life quality and well-being, with which I have applied to the Brussels event, has been created in cooperation with my colleagues at Corvinus University in Budapest. Timing was on our side when submitting our applications with almost 10000 others, our Nagykanizsa study of the “happiest elderly people” has been completed in time and we had the chance to present our theoretical model concerning well-being in front of EU decision makers, professionals and members of the European Parliament.

  • Tell us more about your latest trip to New York. Who has invited you and what experiences have you gained from your trip overseas?

The New York invitation has come as a surprise. As soon as I have arrived back from Brussels, I have been greeted with the congratulations of the Hungarian Regional Scientific Society and my wife letting me know that we need to get to the hospital, she is in labor. The week after my daughter was born I have received a request from the New York Hungarian Scientific Society in New York City to attend the most prestigious annual charity gala and banquet with a presentation. This series of events have given me many sleepless nights. During the event I and my fellow American presenter have been named honorary members of the world renowned society of scientists, which to me is still an incredible acknowledgement.

  • What are your plans for the near future, either in a national or international context?

Regarding my work at home, we would like to expand our activities in Gyöngyös and also our international presence. In 2011, in Parádsasvár, we started developing a concept which will make it possible for us to create an internationally significant health touristic and accessible destination. This year we will be starting the actual work regarding this, and we would like to involve several international professionals. I am travelling to Orlando and Daytona Beach in the second part of February. I have been invited by one of the biggest companies dealing with touristic investments, their field of expertise being the group of people over 55 years. This study tour and case study will concentrate on the activities and preferences of European people over 55 and the company would like to use the collected information in their future investments. During my one week there I will be visiting several working institutions and would also like to discuss how we can make the Mátra region attractive to American pensioners. We are looking forward to a wonderful year and hopefully our family will also grow by next year.